Soil Cement is the most fundamental part to road and parking lot construction. When done properly, the asphalt surface will maintain its integrity for many years. When not done properly, the customer can anticipate repeated failures in the asphalt surface including pot holes and cracking.
VuCon has the most well qualified crews in the business and back that up with a warranty on all of our work. Although cement is the primary mix, we also mix lime and fly ash when called for. <MORE>
VuCon provides earth moving expertise on residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Our scope of work ranges from simple pad site preparation to bulk hauling. We have the equipment to handle our projects in house while many others sub contract theirs. This savings is passed through directly to our clients.
All of our takeoffs are done by computer and three dimensional project views and estimated quantities are available at our office for anyone of our clients to view. <MORE>
VuCon's drainage and utility installation expertise is a core part of our business. Our crews have many years experience and we make sure the job is done properly the first time with every ditch backfilled according to specifications. <MORE>
Curbs done the correct way can make all the difference on a job. They need to be on grade and properly installed before many other aspects to site work can begin. VuCon makes sure of this the immediately so work can move ahead on schedule. <MORE>
Our crew provide various concrete work including flat work and box culvert.